Sunday, November 16, 2008

Simple Joys.

There are a few things that continually make me laugh when I work, and one of those things are when I get the opportunity to put some thing catchy, odd or 'interesting' on sign... My latest conception is above. An old one that have stood out 'Skid on in, we are your fixie shop' and a new one that I haven't exactly gotten the wording down will be some thing to the extent of 'Turning your fatness into fitness'

Today I did my first cross race. It was fun and I'll report fully on that tomorrow morning. But staying on the simple joys theme I was recently emailed from an old friend in Iowa concerning the Cedar Valley Nature Trail and that those in charge are considering not replacing the bridges that were taken out to the record flooding of this summer. For those of you who are unaware of what the Cedar Valley Nature Trail is, it is a 52 mile trail connecting the Evansdale and Hiawatha. It then feeds into the huge Cedar Trails system throughout the Cedar Falls/Waterloo communities.

The idea that not replacing these bridges and essentially allowing this great trail to die is unacceptable. I believe by not replacing these down bridges it will have a greater negative effect than believed, with the loss of potential tourism dollars and trail funding especially to the smaller communities this trail feeds through.

If you are as frustrated by this possibility as I am and want to fight to keep this a simple joy to so many, send and email to the following address expressing your concern:


Tom said...

Ha. When I read the sign, I thought that it said "De madison," as opposed to "08 madison."

bluecolnago said...

i hadn't heard about the possibility of not replacing those bridges. that would really suck! they were part of my sunday morning route before the floods. thanks for the heads up and the email address.

so, you got crossed this weekend, eh? good on ya, buddy! :)