Monday, March 24, 2008

Week 2 Update

Well, 2 weeks down... percentages change and we have a new leader...

Geoff put on 262.54 miles on the bike and only 54.9 miles on the car which sprung him into the overall lead with a total of 431.54 miles on the bike and 141.8 miles in the car.

I down shifted a bit on the miles, but no excuses although I've already let a few fly. I put only 37.38 miles on the bike and 31.43 in car. Putting my total at 101.11 miles on the bike and 55.47 on the car.

B. maintained is position with 90.13 miles on the bike and 78 miles on the car. His total is now 217.7 miles on the bike and 178.4 in the car.

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